You can add categories to this palette, rename existing categories, move objects between categories, and remove categories from this palette. You can also create and add your own objects to the categories. Each category corresponds to a folder in the file system.
2. Type a name for the category and click OK. Adding a category to the Object Library palette creates a folder in the file system.
Tip: To view the location of the new folder, click the category in the Object Library palette and, in the Object Library palette menu, select Group Properties. Notice the folder location in the Location box.
• To delete a category and move the objects to another category, select Remove Group and Move Objects to [category name].
5. If another object of the same name exists in that category, LiveCycle Designer ES prompts you to confirm whether you want to replace the existing object.From the Group Properties dialog box, some categories may have been set up to prevent objects from being added, removed, or modified. If a category prevents new objects from being added, the objects are added to the first category that accepts them.Using the Group Properties dialog box, some categories may have been set up to prevent objects from being added, removed, or modified. You cannot delete an object if the category prevents it.
3. Using the Group Properties dialog box, some categories may have been set up to prevent objects from being added, removed, or modified. You cannot delete an object if the category prevents it.
5. If another object of the same name exists in that category, LiveCycle Designer ES prompts you to confirm whether you want to replace the existing object.You can restore the default objects in the My Favorites, Standard, Barcodes, and Custom categories in LiveCycle Designer ES.
Caution: When you restore objects, all the objects
provided with LiveCycle Designer ES are restored. LiveCycle Designer ES replaces any missing objects and overwrites all objects that have the same names as the originals.
• To restore default objects in all categories at once, in the Object Library palette menu, select Restore Default Objects For All Groups.
• To restore default objects in a single category, select one of the categories: My Favorites, Standard, Custom. or Barcodes. Then in the category menu, select Restore Default [category name] Objects.You can place the Object Library palette objects in a shared folder or web folder where other form authors or form developers can access them.
4. In LiveCycle Designer ES, select the category that you want to share in the Object Library palette.
7. You can place your Object Library of categories and objects into a shared folder or web folder where other form authors or developers can access them.
1. Add and remove categories and objects from your existing library until you create the structure you want to achieve for the shared library.
3. Locate the Objects folder in the directory where LiveCycle Designer ES is installed, and copy the Objects folder and all of its subfolders to a shared folder or web folder that form authors or developers can access.
4. Rename the LocalLibrary.xml file located in the Object folder to avoid confusion. For example, rename the file as SharedLibrary.xml.
5. Add the shared library to LiveCycle Designer ES by following the procedure To add a shared library.
Tip: To view the current location of objects or categories in the Library, click the category in the Object Library palette and select Group Properties from the category menu. Notice the folder location in the Location box.
4. Using the form, create a new object library file, where Category_name is the name to appear as a category title in the Object Library palette, and folder is the location or relative path to the folder that contains the objects for the category.
6. Add the shared library to LiveCycle Designer ES by following the procedure To add a shared library.
2. In the Location box, type the name of or browse to the shared folder that contains the object library file for the shared library you want to add.