There are several ways you can create a form design. You can start with a blank form, template, or PDF document. If you are creating your first form design using LiveCycle Designer ES, try one of the tutorials or look at one of the sample forms installed with LiveCycle Designer ES.You can get started by following one of the step-by-step quick start tutorials. The tutorial for the office picnic survey form teaches you how to create a form that you can send out to have filled and the information emailed back to you. For more information, see Creating an office function survey form. If you have Acrobat Professional, you can consolidate the information from the returned files into a spreadsheet, such as Microsoft® Excel.If you prefer not to try one of the tutorials, you can start by looking at one of the sample forms installed with LiveCycle Designer ES. The sample forms illustrate form design techniques, from simple to complex. LiveCycle Designer ES includes a selection of complete samples, each one accompanied by a form design, sample data and/or schema, as well as the final version of the form. If one of the sample forms suits your requirements, use it as a starting point. For more information about sample forms, see About the Sample Forms.You will need to consider form-specific details when creating form designs. The following table lists items that you may want to keep a record of as you work on a form design.
Page size and orientation
(for master page) Common font and drawing properties