Using Designer ES in different spaces
Designer ES is available as a stand-alone product, bundled with Acrobat Professional and Acrobat Standard, and also bundled with Adobe LiveCycle Workbench ES as part of LiveCycle ES (Enterprise Suite).
In Workbench ES, Designer ES becomes part of the integrated development environment (IDE) where you can model, create, manage, and automate business processes and forms. In Workbench ES, you manage forms and resources using the repository. If you choose to use Designer ES outside of Workbench ES, you can have your administrator set up a web folder so that you can access resources in the repository.
The stand-alone product also lets you create, manage, and automate business processes and forms. With Acrobat Professional, users can consolidate the data they receive from the people who are filling the form using Adobe Reader.

Using Designer ES in different spaces