Use this tab to define the pattern for displaying formatted values (date, time, numerical, and textual data) in a form. The display pattern must be compatible with the option selected in the Data Format list on the Data tab. For example, if the data format is set to Date, the displayed pattern must represent a date value.
Specifies the pattern used to display data. Options for dates, times, dates/times, and numeric data vary, depending on the option selected in the Locale list. To select multiple display patterns, hold down the CTRL or SHIFT key while selecting options.
To display all date, time, and date/time formats in the Select Type list, you must first select Date and Time in the Data Format list of the Binding tab in the Object palette.
Specifies the language and country, or region used to define the format and punctuation of date, time, date/time, numeric, and currency values displayed in the selected object. Locale options are organized first by language and then by country or region. The locale option that is selected by default, matches the option that is selected in the Form Locale list on the Defaults tab of the Form Properties dialog box. You can select a specific language, country, or region from the list, or you can select one of these options:
Uses the system locale of the user’s computer.
Specifies the value of the formatted object against the selected pattern. If no value is specified, the Sample box remains blank or displays the value produced by the Allow Empty option if a value is included in the pattern.
Displays the pattern associated with the option selected in the Select Type list, as well as the Allow Empty box and Allow Zero box. You can also type custom patterns in this box. You cannot mix patterns from the Select Type list with custom patterns.
See also 

Display (Patterns dialog box)