Opens the Check Spelling dialog box from which you can correct individual occurrences or all occurrences of misspelled words in selected objects or in the entire form, add words to My Custom Dictionary, create a list of words to ignore, and display the Spelling panel in the Options dialog box.
Opens the Edit Dictionary dialog box from which you can view the list of words available in My Custom Dictionary under individual or all languages, change the spelling of any of the listed words, as well as add words to and delete words from individual or all languages.
Checks all of the scripts in a form for correct syntax and reports any errors on the Warning tab in the Report palette.
Opens Guide Builder from which you can create or edit a form guide for the current form design.Opens the Options dialog box from which you can define options for document handling, workspace, spelling, wizards and tips, bidirectional text, data binding, and international languages and measurements.
Enables users to import documents from a variety of formats. After they are imported into LiveCycle Designer ES, the documents are converted to the XDP file format.Users can also import a PDF document that was created in Adobe Acrobat or other applications as the background artwork for a new PDF form.Opens the Missing Fonts dialog box where you can specify the appropriate font to use in the form design. This option is only available if the document you have opened uses one or more fonts that are not available on your system.