This tutorial takes you through the process of creating an office picnic survey form that includes a Submit By Email button. When the person filling the form clicks this button, an email containing the information is sent back to you. This tutorial makes use of the New Form Assistant. In order to access the New Form Assistant and complete this tutorial, you need to use LiveCycle Designer ES in standalone mode.This tutorial takes you through the process of creating an interactive purchase order form that includes a Print Form button. When the person filling the form clicks this button, the form is printed. The person then returns the printed form to you. In addition to adding objects, you will learn how to add simple calculations.This tutorial takes you through the process of changing a form’s fixed layout to a flowable layout by using subforms so that the form displays all the orders that one of your clients requested. This tutorial also shows you how to merge a form with data.This tutorial takes you through the process of creating and using fragments to simplify the process of creating collections of forms.