Livecycle adding the title Adding the title Corporate Picnic Survey
Livecycle palette library standard Adding the title Corporate Picnic Survey
Livecycle title Adding the title Corporate Picnic Survey
Notice the boundary lines around the object. This is the object boundary and only appears in the form design to give perspective about the object size and shape; the person filling the form does not see it.
Type Help us make it a success!
If a white plus sign in a red square appears in the bottom-right corner of the object, you need to adjust the height of the object to accommodate the size of the font.
Select the Corporate Picnic Survey text.
Livecycle title font Adding the title Corporate Picnic Survey
You can control how you select objects and captions in a form design. Select Edit > Lock Text when you want to use a single-click to select an object and a double-click to edit captions. In this guide, Lock Text is deselected so that you can single-click to select an object and select the caption directly. This tutorial use
s single-click to select an object.
Select the Help us make it a success! text.

Adding the title Corporate Picnic Survey