Note: If the palette that you want is not open, click Window > [palette name].The object appears and you can adjust it to suit your requirements. For example, to horizontally center the object on the form, select Layout > Center in Page > Horizontally.
Note: Notice the boundary lines around the object. This is the object boundary and only appears in the form design to give perspective about the object size and shape; the person filling the form does not see it.
• Select the text in the Text object and type Corporate Picnic Survey.
• Type Help us make it a success!
Note: If a white plus sign in a red square appears in the bottom-right corner of the object, you need to adjust the height of the object to accommodate the size of the font.
5. Select the Corporate Picnic Survey text.
Note: You can control how you select objects and captions in a form design. Select Edit > Lock Text when you want to use a single-click to select an object and a double-click to edit captions. In this guide, Lock Text is deselected so that you can single-click to select an object and select the caption directly. This tutorial use
s single-click to select an object.
7. Select the Help us make it a success! text.