The Using a Paper Forms Barcode snippet demonstrates the capacity of a paper forms barcode. It also shows how data capacity changes when mixed case and special characters are included in the data.
In this example, entering a number of characters less than 255 and then clicking the Generate Data button changes the barcode data capacity. Also, deselecting the Use UpperCase Characters Only check box demonstrates how the data capacity of the barcode is reduced when mixed case is used.
Livecycle pfb Viewing the data of a paper forms barcode
this.rawValue = 255;
CharacterBase.value = ” ABC DEF GHI JKL MNO PQR STU VWX YZ,”;
CharacterBase.value = ” ABC DEF GHI JKL MNO PQR STU VWX YZa bcd efg hij klm nop qrs tuv wxy z01 234 567 890 <xml>,”;“When data is encoded into a PDF417 barcode, all UPPER CASE data requires less space in a barcode. When switching back and forth from upper case to lower case, special characters must be embedded into the barcode to let the decoder or scanner know that a case change has taken place. As you will be able to see from the example, the data capacity of the barcode is reduced when mixed cases are used.”, “Upper Case” ,3, 1);
CharstoGen.rawValue = 255;
nIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * RandomLetters.length);
sequence = sequence + RandomLetters.charAt(nIndex);
See also 

Viewing the data of a paper forms barcode