The Post function only runs if a form is certified. Acrobat and Adobe Reader cannot verify that the form is certified until after the initialize event initiates. To use the Post function on certified forms prior to the form rendering, use the docReady event.
Post(s1, s2 [, s3 [, s4 [, s5 ]]])
s3 (Optional)
If you do not include a value for s3, the function sets the content type to the default value. The application ensures that the data to post uses the correct format according to the specified content type.
s4 (Optional)
A string containing the name of the code page used to encode the data. Here are valid code page names:
If you do not include a value for s4, the function sets the code page to the default value. The application ensures that encoding of the data to post matches the specified code page.
s5 (Optional)
A string containing any additional HTTP headers to be included with the posting of the data.
If you do not include a value for s5, the function does not include an additional HTTP header in the post.
SOAP servers usually require a SOAPAction header when posting to them.
The following expressions are examples of using the Post function:
Posts some URL encoded login data to a server and returns that server’s acknowledgement page.
Posts a SOAP request for the local time to some server, expecting an XML response back.
