Reference_Syntax.messageBox( STRING param1 [, STRING param2 [, INTEGER param3 [, INTEGER param4 ] ] ] )
param2 (Optional) To help protect against internet spoofing, the dialog window title begins with the text “Warning: JavaScript Window -”. The window title that you specify in this parameter displays after the warning text. param3 (Optional)
• 0 (Error) – This is the default.
• 1 (Warning)
• 2 (Question)
• 3 (Status) param4 (Optional)
• 0 (OK) – This is the default.
• 1 (OK, Cancel)
• 2 (Yes, No)
• 3 (Yes, No, Cancel)While param2, param3, and param4 are optional, if you want to include a particular parameter, you must also include all of the preceding parameters. For example, the following JavaScript is incorrect:In this case you must also specify a value for param2 for the JavaScript to execute correctly.
• 1 (OK)
• 2 (Cancel)
• 3 (No)
• 4 (Yes)
Caution: In a rendered form guide, the return value of the messageBox method is always 0, regardless of what button the user selects.