Scripting Properties #text {default} access accessKey action activity addRevocationInfo after (deprecated) afterTarget (deprecated) aliasNode all allowMacro allowNeutral allowRichText anchorType appType archive aspect baselineShift before (deprecated) beforeTarget (deprecated) bind binding blank (deprecated) blankOrNotBlank bofAction bookendLeader (deprecated) bookendTrailer (deprecated) borderColor borderWidth bottomInset break calculationsEnabled cancelAction cap change charEncoding checksum circular classAll classId classIndex className codeBase codeType colSpan columnWidths commandType commitKey commitOn connection contains content contentType context (deprecated) count credentialServerPolicy crlSign cSpace currentPage currentRecordNumber currentValue cursorLocation cursorType data dataColumnCount dataDescription dataEncipherment dataLength dataPrep dataRowCount db decipherOnly delayedOpen delimiter digitalSignature disable disableAll editValue embedPDF encipherOnly endChar eofAction errorCorrectionLevel excludeAllCaps excludeInitialCap executeType fillColor fontColor fontHorizontalScale fontVerticalScale format formatMessage formattedValue formatTest fracDigits from fullText h hAlign hand highlight href hScrollPolicy hyphenate id imagingBBox index initial initialNumber input instanceIndex intact inverted isContainer isDefined isNull join kerningMode keyAgreement keyCertSign keyDown keyEncipherment labelRef ladderCount language layout leadDigits leader leftInset length letterSpacing lineHeight lineThrough lineThroughPeriod locale lockType long mandatory mandatoryMessage marginLeft marginRight mark match max maxChars maxH maxLength maxW min minH minW model modifier moduleHeight moduleWidth multiLine name newContentType newText next nodes nonRepudiation ns nullTest numbered numberOfCells numPages oddOrEven oneOfChild open operation orientation output overflowLeader (deprecated) overflowTarget (deprecated) overflowTrailer (deprecated) override pagePosition parent parentSubform passwordChar permissions placement platform posture presence preserve prevContentType previous prevText printCheckDigit priority pushCharacterCount radius radixOffset rate rawValue ready recordsAfter recordsBefore reenter ref relation relevant remainCharacterCount reserve restoreState rightInset role rotate rowColumnRatio runAt save savedValue scope scriptTest selectedIndex selEnd selStart server shape shift short signatureType size slope soapFaultCode soapFaultString somExpression spaceAbove spaceBelow startAngle startChar startNew stateless stock stroke sweepAngle tabDefault tabStops target targetType textEncoding textEntry textIndent textLocation thickness this timeout timeStamp title topInset trailer transferEncoding transient truncate type typeface underline underlinePeriod upsMode url urlPolicy usage use usehref uuid validationMessage validationsEnabled vAlign value valueRef variation version vScrollPolicy w weight wideNarrowRatio wordCharacterCount wordSpacingMaximum wordSpacingMinimum wordSpacingOptimum x xdpContent y This section provides an alphabetical list of all properties supported in this scripting environment. Note: All properties have read/write access unless otherwise specified.