node class The node class represents the primary data type for XML Form Object Model objects. Class hierarchy Parent class Current class Objects derived from this class tree node arc assist barcode bind bindItems bookend border break (deprecated) breakAfter breakBefore button calculate caption certificates checkButton choiceList color comb command connect corner dataGroup dataValue dateTime dateTimeEdit defaultUi desc digestMethod digestMethods dSigData edge encoding encodings encrypt event exclGroup execute exObject extras fill filter font format image imageEdit i nstanceManager issuers items keep keyUsage line linear manifest map margin mdp medium message numericEdit occur oids overflow packet para passwordEdit pattern picture proto query radial reasons recordSet rectangle script setProperty signature signData signing solid source stipple subjectDN subjectDNs submit textEdit timeStamp traversal traverse ui validate value wsdlConnection xmlConnection xsdConnection Properties Name Description Type Access id Specifies a generic user-defined XML ID type. String Read /Write isContainer Specifies whether this object is a container object. Boolean Read isNull Indicates whether the current data value is the null value. Boolean Read model Specifies the model for the current object. Object Read ns Returns the namespace for the object. String Read oneOfChild Retrieves or sets that child object in the case where a parent object can only have one of a particular child object. Object Read /Write Methods Name Description Returns applyXSL Applies an XSL transformation to the XML representation of the current node. It is equivalent to calling saveXML and transforming the result with the specified XSL document. String assignNode Evaluates the reference syntax expression using the current context and sets the value of the found node. If the node doesn’t exist, it can be created. Object clone Makes a copy of an object. Object getAttribute Gets a specified property value. String getElement Returns a specified child object. Object isPropertySpecified Checks if a specific property has been defined for this node. Boolean loadXML Loads and appends a specified XML document to the current object. Empty saveFilteredXML Saves the current node to a string, but includes only a subset of the child nodes. String saveXML Saves the current node to a string. String setAttribute Sets the value of a specified property. Empty setElement Sets a specified object to be the current object. Empty