The Script Editor within LiveCycle Designer ES is where you create, modify, and view the calculations and scripts of a particular form.The Script Editor itself has both a single-line view and a multiline view, which you can easily switch between, depending on your current needs. Single-line view is designed to maximize the amount of space dedicated to the Layout Editor and other palettes, whereas multiline view is designed to maximize the amount of space for writing script.Lists all form design events that support user-defined scripting. Any events that do not apply to a particular object appear dimmed. Events that contain a calculation or script display an asterisk (*) beside the name of the event.Displays the event you have currently selected in the Show list for the current object and all of its child objects. If you select the uppermost object in the Hierarchy palette, this option displays the event you have currently selected in the Show list for all objects on your form.
Displays a list of available built-in FormCalc or JavaScript functions, depending on the scripting language you currently have selected in the Language list.
To place a function onto your script editing field, select a function from the list and press Enter.Checks all of the scripts in a form for correct syntax and reports any errors on the Log tab in the Report palette.
Specifies the scripting language you want to use for the current calculation or script. Two options are available:
• Calculations and scripts execute while the client application (for example, Acrobat, Adobe Reader, or a web browser) processes the form.
• Calculations and scripts execute while the server application (for example, LiveCycle Forms ES) processes the form.Calculations and scripts execute while the server application (for example, LiveCycle Forms ES) processes the form, except in cases where the HTML client application supports client-side scripting. For example, a script that accesses a database to prefill data on a form.