In the Guide Builder, the Edit Field Properties tab displays several properties that you can edit:Specifies whether the field can repeat on the current panel. Guide Builder automatically detects whether it repeats based on the occurrence or subform properties that are defined in the form design.Specifies the width of the selected field. It uses the width specified in the form design if the field is 150 dots or wider; otherwise, it uses the default width for the Flex component. If the field is more than 400 dots, it defaults to 100%. You may need to adjust the width to accommodate multiple lines.Specifies the height of the selected field. This property is available only when the field allows multiple lines or does not have a limited length in the form design.Specifies a sign or symbol to add to the beginning or end of the field. For example, you can add a dollar sign ($) or percent symbol (%) to the field.
• Sets the object type for the selected field. You can change the object type that appears in the form guide. For example, if the object is a check box in Designer ES, you can set it to appear as a radio button or a list object in the form guide. Any custom components found in custom guide layouts are added to the end of this list. Different options appear for each form object type.
Specifies the caption for the field. If the caption is defined in the form design, it is automatically imported as plain, unformatted text. You can modify the caption text and add formatting.Specifies any help text for the field. If the help text is defined in the form design, it is automatically imported as plain, unformatted text. You can change the help text and add formatting and links. An option is added to the field help so that form fillers can always display the help text.
•Applies a color to the selected text. You can select a color from the color picker or type the hex value for the color.
•Specifies the URL for a link. The URL can use an absolute or a relative path. When the form filler clicks a link, the linked content appears in a separate browser window.
•Specifies the URL for an image file. You can also set image properties including width, height, and position.