You can add any objects from a form design in Designer ES to a form guide, except the following objects:
Note: If you add a table to a form guide, Guide Builder adds all the table cells to the panel. To recreate the appearance of a table, use the Repeater Grid layout.You can add form objects to your form guide by dragging the objects from the Form Objects list in Guide Builder. The Form Objects list includes all the objects on your form design. All the objects in a fragment reference appear in the Form Objects list. You can add individual objects from the fragment reference to the form guide.You can also drag or copy and paste objects from the Layout Editor in Designer ES. You cannot drag objects from the Hierarchy palette in Designer ES.You can also add utility objects that are only available in Guide Builder. After you add form objects, you can move them in the form guide hierarchy.
1. Make sure Guide Builder is in expanded view and click Add or Bind Fields.
2. (Optional) To filter the objects that appear in the Form Objects list, select an option from the View list. In the Form Objects list, you can view all form objects, fields only, text objects only, utility objects only, or unused objects.
1. Right-click in the Guide Builder and select Always On Top.