You can specify display rules for panels that determine whether a panel is visible in a form guide. Display rules are driven by existing form guide information and require less maintenance than answer-based navigation.When you use display rules, the panel is hidden, and does not appear in the navigation or data entry panels unless one of the rules for that panel is true. For example, you can specify that a particular panel appears in the navigation panel only when a specific check box or radio button is selected.For each panel, you can specify multiple rules that are based on panel or field conditions. A rule can include any field or panel in the form guide. Different conditions are available for rules that are based on a panel or a field. Some conditions are either true or false; however, for other conditions, you must specify the value.
If the field is numeric, a numeric comparison is performed; otherwise, a string comparison is performed.
Note: If a panel uses answer-based, conditional navigation, it is visible only if those conditions are met. For those panels, you can only create display rules that use the Field Is Empty condition.In the Purchase Order sample form, the Alternate Delivery Address panel is displayed only if the UseOrderedBy check box is not selected.
1. Make sure Guide Builder is running in expanded view, and click Edit Guide.