When a form design contains subforms that expand, it is difficult to know exactly how many pages will be rendered in the resulting form at run time. The page size setting is used to paginate PDF forms, but it is ignored when an HTML form is rendered because HTML pages can be any length.
To implement the concept of a multipage HTML form, you can include a one page-level subform in your form design. You will need one of these subforms for every page that you want rendered in the form. For forms containing flowable elements, each subform that flows content should be nested inside one of the page-level subforms. Afterward, when the form is rendered, all content pertaining to the same page-level subform is displayed on the same HTML page.
To implement the concept of a multipage HTML form, you must include one or more buttons in each page-level subform so that users can move from one page to the next. You will need to write a script to handle processing whenever a user clicks one of these buttons.
For example, consider the form design in the following illustration. The form design includes three page-level subforms: Subform_Page0, Subform_Page1, and Subform_LastPage. If LiveCycle Forms ES were to render an HTML form based on this form design, one HTML page would be created automatically from each of the page-level subforms.
Livecycle htmlforms.notsap.86.3.1 Using subforms to create HTML pages
When LiveCycle Forms ES renders the HTML form at run time, the first page-level subform is displayed on the first page. For the purposes of this example, the first page might look similar to the page shown here. Notice the Next Page button, which must be included so that users can move to the next page of the form.
Livecycle first html page Using subforms to create HTML pages
Assuming that at least one record would be available to merge with Expanding_subform at run time, the second page might look similar to the following example page. Again, a Next Page button is required so that users can move to the next page of the form. Also, you might choose to include a Previous Page button in your own form.
Livecycle second html page Using subforms to create HTML pages
The third page-level subform, Subform_LastPage, is displayed on the last page of the rendered form. In this example, a message on the last page thanks users for filling the form and provides a Submit button for submitting the user-entered data to LiveCycle Forms ES.
Livecycle last html page Using subforms to create HTML pages
See also 

Using subforms to create HTML pages