When setting up forms for printing, it is recommended that you review the input data and consider preparing sample data files or have LiveCycle Designer ES automatically generate a sample data file to determine whether the layout, formatting, content, and behavior of a form responds as expected when it is printed. For example, when setting up forms for double-sided printing, you need to have sample data files for testing how a rendered form looks when the printed page ends on an odd page or an even page, and when the rendered form fits on one printed page.
You can also specify print settings for PDF forms. For example, for Acrobat 8 (Static) PDF forms and Acrobat 8 (Dynamic) XML forms, you can select the number of copies to print and whether to print single-sided or double-sided. When a user chooses to print the form, these options are automatically applied. For all PDF forms, you can specify that the form be printed immediately when it is opened. In this case, the Print dialog box appears when the user opens the form, and you can choose to print the form on the user’s default printer or on a printer that you specify.