In form designs created using a version earlier than LiveCycle Designer ES 8.0, you control repetitive rendering of pages by specifying the Restrict Page Occurrence, Min, Count, and Max options in the Object palette for the selected page set or master page.
You can update an older form design to use page placement and printing options, which also take occurrence into account. Using the page placement and printing options, you can specify the pages on which a master page is used as well as the settings for single-sided and double-sided printing.
The result of specifying single-sided printing in a form design closely matches the result of setting minimum and maximum page set and master page-occurrence values. Therefore, it is recommended that you begin by updating the form design for single-sided printing. Then, when you are satisfied that the form renders properly, you can update the form design for double-sided printing, if necessary. When you select double-sided printing, you can control whether the master page and other objects, including subforms, subform sets, and tables, occur on the odd (front) or even (back) pages.
Notice that when you select the page placement and printing options in the form design, LiveCycle Designer ES disables the occurrence settings because management of the page set occurrences is now controlled by the placement and printing options that you select. Therefore, it is recommended that you back up the form design before you begin.
In the Object palette, select Print on Front Side Only from the Printing list. LiveCycle Designer ES notifies you that the Restrict Page Occurrence option will be disabled. Click Yes to continue.
Select the first master page in the page set and click the Master Page tab in the Object palette. Notice that the Restrict Page Occurrence option is now disabled. Before this option was disabled, this master page had a minimum and maximum page-occurrence setting of one, indicating that it always occurs only once.
For master pages in the page set where the minimum page-occurrence setting was 0 and the maximum setting was 1, select one of these options from the Placement list in the Pagination tab in the Object palette:
For master pages in the page set where the minimum and maximum page-occurrence settings were one, select Last Page (in Page Set) from the Placement list to specify that the master page is used for the last page.
(Optional) To test the form that you are previewing by using a data source that you created, use the Browse button to navigate to the file. You can also enter the full path to your test data file in the Data File box. You should plan to have several data source files available for testing forms that are intended for double-sided printing. For example, you should have a data source file that fills only one page, a data source file where the rendered form ends on an even page, and a data source file where the rendered form ends on an odd page.
(Optional) To test the form you are previewing by using an automatically generated data source, click Generate Preview Data. If the form contains repeating subforms or subform sets, indicate the number of times each subform or subform set will repeat in the data file. You can use the Browse button to navigate to the location where you want the file saved. Type a name for the file and then click Generate.
Preview the form in the Preview PDF tab. It is recommended that you preview the form as you work. If you encounter unexpected behavior in the previewed form, review the settings for the Place and After option in the Pagination tab for the subforms, subform sets, and tables in the form design. For example, a subform that is set to be placed at the top of the next even page may cause an unexpected empty odd page in the middle of the form.

Specifying page placement and printing options in existing form designs