Sometimes LiveCycle Designer ES may identify a word as being misspelled when it is actually spelled correctly. However, in such cases you may not always want to add the word to your custom dictionary. As an alternative, you can create a list of words that LiveCycle Designer ES ignores temporarily when spell checking a document. LiveCycle Designer ES recognizes the spelling of ignored words as being neither correct nor incorrect, and disregards them when performing a spell check.You cannot view or edit the list of ignored words. Therefore, it is a good idea to remember the words you add. The list of ignored words remains in place until you close LiveCycle Designer ES; each time LiveCycle Designer ES is started, the list is cleared.You can quickly add a word to the list of ignored words while typing in one of the fields in a form or in the Object or Hierarchy palettes by using the commands on the context menu (right-click). Using the buttons in the Check Spelling dialog box, you can also add a word to the list of ignored words while spell checking in a form.
• Right-click a misspelled word in any field in a form or in the Object or Hierarchy palette and select Ignore All. LiveCycle Designer ES temporarily disregards all instances of the word as being misspelled until LiveCycle Designer ES is restarted.
1. Select Tools > Check Spelling. The Check Spelling dialog box appears with the first misspelled word highlighted in red under Not in Dictionary.
• To disregard only this occurrence of the misspelled word, click Ignore Once. LiveCycle Designer ES ignores the word and advances to the next misspelled word.
• To disregard all occurrences of the misspelled word, click Ignore All. LiveCycle Designer ES ignores all instances of the misspelled word and advances to the next misspelled word. All spell checks disregard all occurrences of the misspelled word until you restart LiveCycle Designer ES. The list of ignored words is cleared each time LiveCycle Designer ES is started.