You can create a table that adds a row when a user clicks an Add Row button. You can also include a Delete Row button. You must create the table, add the buttons, and then set the properties that will make the table grow.
Livecycle using tables.31.49.1 To create a table that grows using the Button object  
To modify the script for your own form, you must understand how the script relates to the hierarchy. For example, in the hierarchy for the current form, both buttons are inside the same subform; therefore, you do not need to specify any objects beyond the Table level.
Livecycle using tables.31.49.2 To create a table that grows using the Button object  
To reuse these buttons in another form, you can add them to the Custom category (or your own category) of the Object Library palette. Note that you may have to edit the script for the button if you use it in a different form.
Livecycle add delete row button To create a table that grows using the Button object  

To create a table that grows using the Button object