The following symbols must be used to create date and time patterns for date/time fields. Certain date symbols are only used in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean locales. These symbols are also specified below.
Note: The comma (,), dash (-), colon (:), slash (/), period (.), and space ( ) are treated as literal values and can be included anywhere in a pattern. To include a phrase in a pattern, delimit the text string with single quotation marks (‘). For example, ‘Your payment is due no later than’ MM-DD-YY can be specified as the display pattern. Formatted value for English (USA) locale where the locale-sensitive input value is 1/1/08 (which is January 1, 2008) Zero-padded, three-digit (001-366) day of the year Zero-padded, two-digit (01-12) month of the year One-digit (1-7) day of the week, where (1=Sunday) Two-digit year, where numbers less than 30 are considered to fall after the year 2000 and numbers 30 and higher are considered to occur before 2000. For example, 00=2000, 29=2029, 30=1930, and 99=1999 One-digit (0-5) week of the month, where week 1 is the earliest set of four contiguous days ending on a Saturday Two-digit (01-53) ISO-8601 week of the year, where week 1 is the week containing January 4 Several additional date patterns are available for specifying date patterns in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean locales.Japanese eras can be represented by several different symbols. The final four era symbols provide alternative symbols to represent Japanese eras. The locale’s alternate era name. For the current Japanese era, Heisei, this pattern displays the ASCII letter H (U+48) The locale’s alternate era name. For the current Japanese era, this pattern displays the ideograph that is represented by the Unicode symbol (U+5E73) The locale’s alternate era name. For the current Japanese era, this pattern displays the ideographs that are represented by the Unicode symbols (U+5E73 U+6210) The locale’s alternate era name. For the current Japanese era, this pattern displays the full width letter H (U+FF28) The locale’s alternate era name. For the current Japanese era, this pattern displays the ideograph that is represented by the Unicode symbol (U+337B) Time symbol Locale-sensitive input value Formatted value for English (USA) locale Zero-padded 2 digit (01-12) hour of the day (AM/PM)
Note: You must use this symbol with an hour symbol. Zero-padded, two-digit (00-59) minute of the hour
Note: You must use this symbol with an hour symbol.
Note: You must use this symbol with an hour and minute symbol. Zero-padded, two-digit (00-59) second of the minute
Note: You must use this symbol with an hour and minute symbol. 2:08:09 PM
Note: You must use this symbol with an hour, minute, and seconds symbol. The part of the day that is from midnight to noon (AM) or from noon to midnight (PM) ISO-8601 time-zone format (for example, Z, +0500, -0030, -01, +0100)
Note: You must use this symbol with an hour symbol. Alternative ISO-8601 time-zone format (for example, Z, +05:00, -00:30, -01, +01:00)
Note: You must use this symbol with an hour symbol. Abbreviated time-zone name (for example, GMT, GMT+05:00, GMT-00:30, EST, PDT)
Note: You must use this symbol with an hour symbol.
When submitted, the symbol matches 0 or Unicode white space characters. When merged for display, it becomes a space. When submitted, the symbol matches one or more Unicode white space characters. When merged for display, it becomes a space.
Date and time patterns