At run time, LiveCycle Designer ES displays date, time, and numeric field values in locale-sensitive format. If you want to permit form fillers to edit field values in a format other than the locale-sensitive default, you can specify the Edit Pattern on the Field tab. If the user’s input does not conform to the edit pattern, the data is input as-is.The edit pattern can be different than the display pattern. For example, because it is easier for users to enter short dates and read long dates, you could consider specifying a short date for a date/time field’s edit pattern and a long date for its display pattern. When the display and edit patterns are different, the value is formatted to match the display pattern as soon as the user exits the field.
Note: This option is not available when the Type option in the Value tab of the Object palette is set to Protected, Calculated – Read Only or Read Only.
3. Click Patterns, click the Edit tab, and either select one of the predefined display patterns from the Select Type list or type a custom pattern in the Pattern box.