Using an Execute button type, you can execute a process request to a web service. A web service processes operations that you send to it to define input and output information in your form.You add a connection to the web service and then create or bind fields to the request and response messages. The bound fields can generate input data to send to the service or receive data from the service. Multiple fields can be used to create the request message, and the response message can populate multiple fields. To process the operation, you can use an Execute button or write a script. For example, you can use a web service to look up an interest rate, a currency exchange rate, or a stock quote.
3. In the Control Type area, select Execute. A web-service operation or database query will be executed according to the settings in the Execute tab.
6. In the WSDL File box, type the URL to the WSDL document, or click Browseto locate and select the document on your computer’s hard disk. If the WSDL document is stored on a secure server, either the Authentication Required dialog box or the Select a Digital ID dialog box is displayed.
The window on the right displays details for the selected operation. If the selected operation is not SOAP-encoded or is not doc-literal, a warning appears in this window and you cannot continue.
• To define HTTP or HTTPS authentication, select Requires HTTP/HTTPS Authentication, and then optionally select the credentials to accept for verification.
• To define SOAP message authentication, select Requires Message Level Authentication, and then optionally select Accepts User Name and Password.
12. To update the structure of the form and merge returned data after processing is completed, select Re-merge Form Data. You must use the Re-merge Form Data option if the response data is going to populate dynamic data (such as a repeating subform) that is bound to WSDL data, which may occur a variable number of times in the response. Dynamic data requires a full remerge to generate the correct number of repeating subforms. If the WDSL response data is bound to a fixed number of fields, the response data will populate the existing fields, such that you do not need to re-merge the form data.