With all delimiters other than Carriage Return and Line Feed, the first line starts with the optional barcode label heading, followed by the form object names, and ends with a delimiter and a new line character. The second line starts with the barcode label, which is a globally unique identifier (GUID) by default, followed by the form object data, and ends with a delimiter and a new line character.
With Carriage Return and Line Feed delimiters, field names, barcode labels, and field values are listed over multiple lines, with field names and barcode labels listed first, each on a separate line, followed by either a carriage return or a line feed, a new line character, and then with the field values, each of which are on a separate line.
If a field name or value in the form is empty, the barcode encoding script will insert a delimiter and encode the next field name or value. The barcode data will not contain a space, or any special marking, as the placeholder for the empty text.
With all types of delimiters, you can control whether field names and barcode labels are included in the barcode content by selecting the Include Field Names and Include Label options in the Value tab of the Object palette.
When you choose the delimited format for a paper forms barcode, make sure that the delimiter is not a part of your form’s textual contents. For instance, if you choose Tab as the delimiter, the contents of the form fields you are encoding cannot contain tabs because it will confuse the decoder. To avoid this confusion and to ensure that the encoder will work correctly, if the character originally chosen to be the delimiter becomes a part of the contents, you can choose a different character (such as a pipe or a comma) as the delimiter instead.
See also 

To specify a delimiter